
me, Saturna Robbie

Thursday 28 February 2013

His - Story.

I hurriedly checked my  Blackberry for a translation App in case he spoke to us before he killed us! 

He raised his tomahawk even higher ......then he pointed it at Inka's flashing collar.  

He wanted her flashing collar!  BOL....Yippee!

We all rushed to take it off and give to him. You bet he could have it!  I have read about peace offerings so I knew it was not appropriate to ask for anything in return even though Lacey and Tansy said to ask if he had any treats on him as they were getting hungry. Just where did they think he was hiding treats???

Margaret handed up the collar  (we are all too short to reach a warrior on horseback) ....he took it from her very gently, and said in perfect English ..'thank you, Ma'am'.!  Actually, it may have been Spanish or Apache or?  When you have a magic Blog strange things can happen. What was important was that we understood him and he could understand us.

But wait...he really was speaking English.

'My name is Billy Smith'. he said. He climbed down off his pony and squatted on the ground beside us. We formed a paw circle around him.

This is his story:

At the age of sixteen  in 1756, I was part of group opening a wagon road for the army when I was captured by Indians.

Three Indians stuck a few bushes in the ground and hid behind them, about fifteen yards from the road. I had been sent back, to hurry up some chow wagons. When we came opposite the decoy bushes they fired at me. My horse started instantly and threw me, and the Indians immediately ran up and took me prisoner.

On approaching their camp large numbers of naked, painted savages formed into two long rows and I had to run between them while they beat me.  I was told that if I ran quickly it would be so much the better, as they would quit when I got to the end of the rows. I started in the race as fast as I could. When I had got near the end of the lines I was knocked to the ground with a stick or the handle of a tomahawk.

When I regained consciousness I tried to get up but the Indians beat me and beat me. I remember wishing they would kill me and get it over with but they sent me they sent to a hospital and carefully restored me to health.

I asked one of the Indians who could speak some English, if I had done anything to offend them which caused them to beat me? 'No,' he replied, 'it was only an old custom the Indians have, and was like "how do you do?"  This Indian also told me "that as soon as I recovered, I must go with the party and be made an Indian myself. 

They pierced my nose and ears, and fixed me off with earrings and nose jewels. Then they ordered me to strip off my clothes and put on a breech-cloth, which I did. Then they painted me in various colors. They put a large belt of wampum on my neck, silver bands on my hands and right arm.

The Chiefs gave me a pipe, a tomahawk, and a pouch containing tobacco, also flint, and steel. The Indians then came in dressed and painted, seated themselves, and for a long time smoked in silence. At length one of the chiefs spoke:

"'My son, you are now flesh of our flesh, and bone of our bone. By the ceremony just performed every drop of white blood was washed out of your veins; you are taken into our nation and initiated into a warlike tribe. You are adopted into a great family, and received with great seriousness and solemnity.  My son, you have now nothing to fear; we are now under the same obligation to love, support, and defend you, that we are to love and defend one another, therefore you are to consider yourself as one of our people.'

I have lived with my tribe as a son and brother for many, many years. They kept their word to treat me as one of them… but my white blood is still in my veins.  I truly grieve for my sweetheart who I left behind and I want my dear Mother to know that I am well ...and alive…sort of.

Help me Please!

 WOW!  Margaret, Tansy, Hurley, Inka and Blue....What now Gang?


  1. Holy cow! This is going to be a great adventure! We definitely need to get a message to Billy's mother... and perhaps we can reunite him with his sweetheart!

  2. Tans is very impressed, but a little sceptical, she wonders why he didn't try to escape this billy Smith and she thinks he may just be luring us into a trap .!! "What sort of a trap and why " I asked but she was very vague about that, something about holding us hostage. I am thoroughly bewildered Robbie and much more trusting than Tansy who also says that if Billy's sweetheart had any sense she would have found another boy friend and married years ago but we might still look for his old Mum.

    1. I think Billy is trapped in a time-warp from 1756. It seems to me we will have to go back in time to help him....or do we try to bring his Dear Old Mom and his Sweetheart to our time?

  3. Blue would be delighted to go back in time-I think he is hoping his eyes and ears will be restored and the ache in his bones will go away! Inka is game for anything,as long as she gets to come with, even though she regrets having to give up her bling collar. Perhaps it is time for another paw circle. What does Margaret think?

  4. Hi, Robbie, this is Cooper Dunham. I am a five year old (on June 17) golden retriever. I live six months of the year in Troutdale, OR, and six months in our town home at 20 Circulo Diego Rivera, Tubac, AZ. I have enjoyed meeting you and your sister, Lacey at the park in the Barrio de Tubac. My family and I will be in Tubac through March 22 and if you have any adventures coming up between now and then let me know; I'd love to accompany you and your friends.

    Cooper Dunham

    1. Hi Cooper, I have enjoyed meeting you too. And I think Lacey has a bit of a crush on you! We have to leave soon after you Cooper but I will try have a going away Pawty for all my Tubac friends before I leave.
