
me, Saturna Robbie

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Done and back at home

Lacey and I survived our horrible visit to the Vet. I actually got off pretty teeth only had to be cleaned, no extractions! I am just fine this morning, ate a big breakfast and am raring to go for a walk. Lacey on the other hand is not a happy dog! Here eyes look very sore and if that weren't bad enough she has an ugly, big, hard cone on her head. She keeps bumping into things and she can't see on the sides....I tell you I feel for her. I woke up last night and saw her standing beside my bed....I let out a yelp of terror (so un-macho but I was caught off guard) with her blood red eyes and big shining halo cone I thought I was seeing the devil himself!

Mom and DOD are complaining they are tired...okay it was a long day from 5.30am  until 9.30pm but it is not like they had to suffer or anything. REALLY!!!!


  1. Poor Lacey. I'll bet she wishes she never has to go on a ferry again.

  2. Tansy is very sorry for Lacey, she knows what it is like to wear one of those collars and she doesn't like going in cars either. i hope all will be well for all of you soon , you must have a lovely smile with your pearly white teeth little white whiskers.

  3. HURLEY: I wish I could send my cone to Lacey. It's clear plastic, so she'd be able to see much better. Less bumping into stuff, less stressful. DUSTY: We're glad you're doing well. Sending Therapy Dog Hugs to you and extra ones for Lacey's eyes.
