
me, Saturna Robbie

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Pilot Lights

I asked Fred if he had internet; he said he did, but he only had an ipad....Yikes, this could be difficult for a Blackberry Dog, but,  for Margaret and Tansy, I can cope with almost anything.

Anyway, I somehow got on line and managed to send off an SMS to Wrexel the leader of the Desert Dragons. I told him about Winterscinda and the missing Summascinda and poor frozen Margaret and Tansy.. and being lost on my own property ....I pleaded with him to bring the dragon troupe and come and help...FAST!

Wrexel sent an SMS right back...said he, Weezle@ and Weezle # and Femme la Flamme were saddling up their  Harley's and heading to help even as he sent the message. Femme sent a quick note saying she could thaw out the North Pole with one breath if she had to...and that she hoped Hurley needed some sort of thawing! Hurley nearly tripped over his tongue he got so excited at the thought....he even wanted to go outside and let Winterscinda freeze him for the sheer pleasure of having Femme thaw him out!  He is young, not a mature dog like myself.

Fred said we were welcome to stay in his house as long as we wanted, which was very kind of him considering nogarD had melted all over the floor and we were knee-deep in water!

Outside the wind continued to howl and moan and we were all very worried about Margaret and Tansy. It just wasn't the same without them. We couldn't even think of a song that would help without Margaret to lead us and we didn't have enough paws to make a circle, even with nogarD's big claw foot.

The Desert Dragons will be here tomorrow morning (the trip is shorter on a Harley) and I hope this nightmare will soon be over. We will stay with Fred the Woodcutter tonight and meet our friends at first light.

I sure hope they don't freeze before they thaw Margaret and Tansy ... Winterscinda is powerful, it is very cold and windy and I don't know how long a Dragon's pilot light stays lit!


  1. Inka and Blue are relieved that your friends are coming to the rescue. And Inka wants to meet the fellow on the Harley- there used to be a Road King here, and she thinks they are cool.

  2. Wrexel, the leader of the Desert Dragons, reminds me of Derm here on Saturna..he wears a bandana with skull and bones! I think we can arrange for Inka to meet him.

  3. HURLEY: I'm so glad the Desert Dragons are coming and Fred is letting us stay inside tonight. *looking around for crumbs, to share, of course!* DUSTY: So happy that Fred has internet! *old tail wagging, sigh of relief*
